Статья из Американского блога, о том, как тату бровей испортило жизнь одной женщины. Она настолько недовольна результатом, что готова просто вырезать брови и оставить на их месте шрамы. В качестве после процедурного ухода она выбрала для себя соду, и получила выпуклые шрамы на бровях.

Мои комментарии:
  • Не должно быть столько крови и боли, чтобы человек сопоставлял эти ощущения с родами. Боль и кровь – это признаки слишком большой глубины введения пигмента. Мастер – явно не профессионал, скорее всего татуировщик.
  • Клиент не должен видеть такую грязь у себя на лице. Работа должна быть аккуратной и чистой.
  • Не нужно позволять клиентам лежа на кушетке болтать, открывать глаза, делать селфи, выкладывать тут же их в инстаграмм. Это опасно. Клиент мешает вам работать, при открытых глазах может попасть анестетик.
  • Если клиент наносит соду после процедуры – это проблема взаимоотношений с мастером. Почему она не сказала, что ей не нравится? Почему она не знала, что пигмент посветлеет после процедуры?
  • Есть способы ухода при которых пигмент плохо возьмется, но не оставит рубцов. Достаточно просто постоянно помногу и жирно наносить вазелини когда корки образуются их слегка распарить и аккуратно отшелушить, не повреждаю молодую кожу.
  • Есть неодимовый лазер, для того чтобы удалить пигмент. В руках профессионала лазер безопасное и эффективное средство удаления нежелательного пигмента.
  • Объясняйте клиенту все эти нюансы, малейшие детали, избегайте таких недоразумений. Не допускайте, чтобы о нашей профессии шла такая слава, как о деле, которое портит чью-то жизнь.

Автор Студинская Татьяна.

I got my eyebrows tattooed and it was the worst decision I’ve ever made

KATHARINE has a warning for other women. She was left horrified by the popular beauty trend after trying to fix her sparse eyebrows.

Кэтрин Макфи

Kidspot.com.au SEPTEMBER 24, 20176:25PM

Katharine McPhee had her eyebrows tattooed and says it was the worst decision she’s ever made.Source:Supplied

I LOOKED in the mirror ... “Are they meant to look like this?” I looked like a blood spattered Angry Bird.

We’ve all seen the memes surrounding the perfect brow. It’s become a quest.

As a mother, I project positive messages about looks. “Everyone is beautiful!” I tell my children.

Тем не менее, я завидую брови герцогини Кэтрин. Я думаю, что брови Делевинь кары заслуживает того, чтобы быть на гигантских рекламных щитах.

My eyebrows have always been sparse. I have the odd combination of Celtic skin, dark hair and wispy brows. I usually filled them in with a kit. But the tricky part was consistency.

It became a Jekyll/Hyde brow situation. I didn’t want people placing bets on whether I would turn up with eyebrows each day. So, it had to be every day.

I read about eyebrow tattooing and I realised I could save myself ten minutes each morning if I did it.

My downfall began when I bought an online discount voucher, instead of footing a full cost at a vetted salon.

The technician and I talked about ‘feather touch’ versus ‘block colour’. I wanted the non-block version. I was slathered in numbing cream and away she went.

Feather touch involved a scalpel attached to a long tool, and being repeatedly slashed within a briskly applied stencil. Ink was liberally smudged over the top. And the numbing cream didn’t do a damn thing.

The numbing cream was absolutely useless.Source:Supplied

I have had two children naturally, pain-relief free and have three tattoos. But this was up there in the pain stakes.

The worst part was the sensory factor — I could hear my skin being cut.

It dawned on me: I was letting someone cut my FACE and fill it with ink.

She also waxed them before AND after, which I have since read is a no-no.

Blood ran into my ears, and down my neck. She showed me my new Angry Birdface. My eye sockets were swollen, caked with blood and thick, seemingly black dye, which was “not be touched or to get wet” for four days.

There was blood everywhere.Source:Supplied

This was not looking like the ‘before and after’ photos I imagined.

When I went out in public, I had to have an ‘eyebrow disclaimer’: “It’s okay, I’ve just had my eyebrows done” I would tell people.

I had a Skype chat with an acquaintance in London and I deliberately tilted my screen down. Then he brought up that he couldn’t see my face and I tilted it up. The embarrassment!

Another mistake was falling into the ‘google eyebrow forum’ rabbit hole.

There were women all around the world, despairing their inky brows. This led to home remedies for lessening the permanent effect of the tattoo. “Act quickly!” advised one fellow brow casualty.

Cue a trip to the supermarket. And a concoction of baking soda, hydrogen peroxideand pink Himalayan salt. Which I caked on my eyebrows like a fool.

This was two weeks post treatment.Source:Supplied

Katharine’s brows today — with a little scarring remaining.Source:Supplied

I had flashbacks of me as thirteen-year-old, sitting in the bathroom with lemons on my head. I apparently hadn’t learnt my lesson.

Мое средство облегчить чернил. Но сжег кожу на левой брови. Я пришел к выводу, что мне придется канал Джессики Рэббит и флоп мои волосы на одну бровь.

I googled pictures of Jason Mamoa, a.k.a. Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. He has a scar on his eyebrow and is very beautiful. This made me feel better for ten minutes.

They aren’t ‘sharpie marker bad’, but my brows aren’t great. My meddling caused additional issues, I accept that. I also know there are much worse crises than scabby eyebrows.

Many have benefited from the method and look fabulous. Me? I bombed out.